Exit Services
Heading towards a sale of your business? Wanting a successful exit? Looking at passing the business onto your family or senior management?
Our job is to help you gain the best value or to leave the business to others, in a way that allows everyone the best chance of future success.
Plan a successful exit!
We can provide support in the following areas:
Research & identification of potential acquirers.
Data room preparation.
Due diligence pre-work.
Valuation with areas like ‘Intangible Assets’ to increase business value and sale price.
The look and feel of your business to outsiders – brand, website, product or service, reputation in the marketplace, strategic partners.
IP, trademarks, trade secrets.
How to bring your team along the sales process, with all having a positive outlook for the future.
Marketing your business, not just your products or services.
Business Exit
Chris has been involved in several marine business sales from the inside– this experience is rare and not something you would usually encounter with regular business brokers!
Understanding the value of your business can be difficult and it is not just a multiple of your net profit. Upping your marketing profile prior to a sale (this can be years out), is very important in attracting more potential purchasers. It is critically important to have the business in a solid position with your finances and data before you enter a due diligence process. There are many companies that have lost millions in this process and some simple steps a year or two out, can alleviate a lot of this. What was tagged as goodwill in the old days is now known as Intangible Assets. This area is where a lot of what you and your team have been doing for years can have value associated with the business. Chris has a close associate who has been involved in large sales to multi-national corporations and understands all the issues that can affect the final sales price.
Sunset Session
YESSSS’ Sunset Session focuses on building a smooth exit strategy for marine businesses. They will help you map out a comprehensive plan to prepare both yourself and your business for a successful transition.
Preparing for a sale can start up to 3 years in advance. During this time, Chris and his team will focus on raising your company’s profile, and, ultimately, increasing its value. Selling your pride and joy isn’t just about money; it’s also about helping the new owners in taking the business and team to new heights. Finally the work that you and your team have done over the years NEEDS to have an appropriate value associated with the business
For a free, confidential discussion, please email Chris directly at chris@yessss.com
What we bring to your company:
Over 40 years of expertise in managing marine businesses and have been directly involved in the building and exiting successful marine businesses. We know what it takes to maximise the value at the event of an exit.